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NFT Ventures - Investments - Index -

□. □ År på För snart fyra år sedan satte nischbanken Collector tillsammans med partnern NFT Ventures upp  Huvudägare: Grundarna, NFT Venture och Hoppa till Collector betterwealth Uppstickaren Betterwealth hjälper privatsparare ta investeringsrisk smartare via  We are today announcing that NFT Ventures acquires the fintech portfolio Collector Ventures from Collector Bank. NFT has managed the portfolio together with Collector Bank since 2016 and made investments in 28 fintech companies. *Data Protection Terms* When you submit information to NFT Ventures, we will store your personal data in order to review the opportunity. By submitting information to us you agree we may store the data you share and present it to our investors.

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NFT Ventures was established in Stockholm in 2014, with an aim to capture the opportunity in transformation of banking and financial services. We empower entrepreneurs and … NFT Ventures AB,556973-9393 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status, adress mm för NFT Ventures AB April 21, 2021. NFTs The Pitch. We're investing $1,000,000+ to support the most innovative ideas in NFTs. Apply below. Apply Now 2020-12-22 NFT Ventures är ett riskkapitalbolag som investerar i startups i Norden inom området fintech, det vill säga ny finansiell teknik.

NFT Ventures bildades i sin tur i september 2014 med pengar från Bonnier News som även äger Dagens industri. NFT Ventures kliver fram som något av kungarna på den svenska fintech-scenen, i och med förvärvet av Collectors del av deras gemensamma portfölj. I och med affären äger NFT Ventures hela eller delar i över 50 fintech-bolag med fokus på Sverige, men även i övriga Norden och Storbritannien.

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is a digital art collector and an investor in the crypto art marketplace OpenS 20 Feb 2021 His initial collection of CryptoPunks was valued in February 2021, worth Their venture into the NFT-space was validated just one year later,  13 Mar 2021 Currently, creators, collectors, and also marketplaces are mostly located FinTech, crypto ventures, and digital asset businesses are one of its  11 sep 2020 Collector startade Collector Ventures tillsammans med NFT Venture 2016 så affären innebär att medgrundaren NFT blir ensam ägare till  NFT Growth 1 Kommanditbolag,969780-2180 - På hittar du , koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för NFT Growth 1 Kommanditbolag. För snart fyra år sedan satte nischbanken Collector tillsammans med partnern NFT Ventures upp riskkapitalbolaget Collector Ventures.


Three exclusive variations may be released each month. NFT Ventures AB,556973-9393 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status NFT Ventures 1 AB – Org.nummer: 559123-6178.

Nft ventures collector

The latest Internet hype is about a thing that doesn't really exist. Some collectors are spending millions of dollars on these NFT Ventures AB - Org.nummer: 5569739393. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på -15,6%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 100,0 % män (2), 0,0 % kvinnor (0) .
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Collector Banks vd Stefan Alexandersson och ordförande Lena Apler. Foto: Jack Mikrut. Collector tar hjälp av NFT Ventures för att scouta fintechbolag. Till en början avsätter nischbanken 100 Mkr i fonden Collector Ventures. ”Det är tänkt att räcka ett par år”, säger vd:n Stefan Alexandersson. NFT Ventures ska scouta fintechbolag åt Collector.

21 Apr 2021 Guy Oseary. Co-Founder, Sound Ventures. Mark Cuban. Investor Whale Shark. Collector and Founder of $WHALE. Ashton Kutcher.

The exact financial composition of the deal has not been disclosed. “Our strategy in this space is clear,” said CEO Brian Mariotti, “bring the value-added The investment round was made by Collector Ventures, with the involvement of the existing investor, NFT Ventures, and is part of a larger round which is yet to be announced. later edit - according to the Swedish authorities, the money was recorded in December 2017, rounding the investment at $2.5M NFT Ventures General Information Description. Founded in 2014, NFT Ventures is a venture capital firm based in Stockholm, Sweden. The firm seeks to invest in innovative fintech startups in the Northern European regions. 2021-03-29 2021-04-07 Collector Ventures investerar ett tvåsiffrigt miljonbelopp i fintechbolaget Nordkap.

Collector Bank has been looking for an exit for its investment vehicle since 2019 for overall internal profitability reasons. Creators are those who make the collectible. This could be an artist like Beeple or XCOPY or a company like Larva Labs (Cryptopunks) or Dapper Labs (TopShot). Musicians, writers, studios, magazines, and other creative individuals and institutions can all active as creators of NFTs. Subjects are what the collectible is about. *Data Protection Terms* When you submit information to NFT Ventures, we will store your personal data in order to review the opportunity.
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NFT Ventures, Eriksbergsgatan 8A, Stockholm 2021

NFT Ventures buys Collector Ventures portfolio for SEK 330M.. NFT Ventures, a Stockholm, Sweden-based investment company announced the acquisition of the investment portfolio of Collector Ventures. The transaction was valued at SEK 330M ($38M), on a debt-free basis, made for getting the equity holdings in 26 companies. Collector Ventures was founded jointly with NFT Ventures in 2016 with the purpose of making investments in fintech companies. Since its establishment Collector Ventures has invested in 28 companies and carried out two exits.